Thursday, September 15, 2011

Why only FMO's ?

An FMO is a forced matrix organization.  This is a way of selling products worldwide with a waterfall effect of sales revenue income coming to you, based on your own work, and also the work of those both above and below you in the marketing organization.  Please read our team blog at  for more explanation. 

I choose to work mainly with FMO's, since I have limited time, and that way I can promote the general concept of FMO rather than just one company, allowing me to work many programs at once.  

I am recommending that everyone do the same as what I am doing. Since I only need to recruit a very few in each FMO, and then let the magic of the FMO concept work for me, I am free to do many at once without looking silly.

As soon as I get just a very few people enrolled in each FMO, I can move on, because the FMO concept will carry those people to success, based on their own work if they do the same as I did.  I do draw the line at working only with the FMO's that are selling a real product. No money games or such.

I believe that more and more REAL products will be sold via FMO's since each one takes so little time to enroll and then to easily promote to just a few people. With the Twitter networks and Google+ some amazing things are about to happen I think.

Follow this trend at Twitter:
To get started, simply choose one of my Favorite Links on the top right of this blog page.  Welcome to the good life !  FMO's rock !

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The new Age of Organization...

This is a new time of opportunity. We have not seen anything like this before.
Humanity has progressed beyond the age of computers, into the new

Some new unprecedented phenomenon are coming. Humanity is organizing.

There are new opportunities here on Earth now. You are going to be participating.

Your actions now, will bless your life, your posterity and the world community.

Apply your focus, your talent, your energy and the ripple effect will be astounding.

Be busy, Living on less than you earn, Accumulating, Serving by solving needs, Teaching, Fulfilling, Organizing, Replicating, Compassionately, Energetically.

The FMO phenomenon is coming. You are invited. 

There has never been an opportunity like this before. You really matter.

You are positioned here in the right place now, right where you were meant to be.
Abundance and resources are at your fingertips now like never before on Earth.

You are about to achieve a mighty calling and purpose. The time has come.

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Google+ are the tools in your hands. Now it is time to use these tools in order to organize humanity into a common good for a mighty purpose, bringing abundance to more people in more places than ever before.

Your priority is action now. This is deserving of your focus. Read and act carefully.

Today is your life and your legacy. Now, this moment is the time for action. Organize.